
Updates on many fronts! — 3 Comments

  1. Oh Abigail, I’m so, so sorry! I’m praying for you and your family. I know just how hard it is to cope with this awful disease. As for your book, it will be gratefully received whenever you can manage it. I haven’t read book two yet as I’m waiting to read them together, especially as my memory isn’t what it was! (Well it was never great anyway!) take care.

  2. Many many heartfelt expressions of support and hope, along with the prayers from all those who love you and your stories, whenever they arrive, and the cats and the family. Not necessarily in that order… but the order we became aware. A serious illness stops us all in our tracks though, for which the rest of the world doesn’t. Take as much help when it’s offered as possible. And accept our blessings.

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