Updates on many fronts!
News, news, news! I’ve got an update about my new book – and where to buy my old ones! But also some rather tough news on the home front, as some of you may have guessed already.
The good news is that the final book of Fitzwilliam Darcy, Mage – The Guardians of Pemberley – is coming along very well. I’m expecting to cross the 100,000K words line this week. It’s exciting, romantic, adventurous, and magical – all the things I had hoped for. My critique group has been cheering as Jack’s secrets are slowly revealed, Darcy grows ever close to his beloved Elizabeth, and Lady Catherine… well, that would be telling. 🙂
Sadly, though, it’s not coming out in April. I’d thought I could make it, and I almost did, despite a long recovery from Covid, a pile of exhausting veterinary emergencies and sleepless nights with my sweet Pfeffernusse, and emergency oral surgery. Each time I fell behind, but got back on track because I was so determined to get this book out in the spring.
Right up until Mr. R was diagnosed with cancer. 0/10 stars, my friends, Do Not Recommend.
We’re lucky to be near Boston, where he’s in excellent hands at Dana-Farber Cancer Center. We’re cautiously optimistic, but it’s going to be a pretty grueling few months here. Even if I could get the story finished (and it’s so close I can taste it!), I can’t face all the publishing work that goes along with it while dealing with medical messiness and keeping the household going. So the triumph over Napoleon will have to wait until September, its original publication date. I’m really sorry it can’t be sooner – you’ve been so patient in waiting for the end of this story! And I hope to start posting some excerpts soon.
And now, some news about where to find my books! The world is changing rapidly, and so is the market for books. After a couple of years of keeping my more recent books exclusively in Kindle Unlimited, I’m now going to be selling some of them at all retailers, where they’ll be joining my oldest titles that have always been there. I’ll still be rotating them through KU, trying to strike a balance for my KU readers. Conceit & Concealment and A Matter of Honor are already available at all online retailers, and The Price of Pride will be leaving KU on March 23. They’re in Kobo Plus and other subscription services, too – plus you can ask your library to order them! All my Sourcebooks titles have always been available widely – To Conquer Mr. Darcy, What Would Mr. Darcy Do, Mr. Darcy’s Obsession, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy: The Last Man in the World, Mr. Darcy’s Undoing, and The Man Who Loved Pride & Prejudice, along with my two co-authored books, The Darcy Brothers and Mr. Darcy and the Enchanted Library. So there’s plenty to read, wherever you like to purchase your ebooks!
Not comfortable purchasing from US sources or any big business? Contact me! I’m happy to swap my books for donations to charity. Let’s help the world!
My readers are my inspiration, and you’re what keeps me going when times get rough. Thanks for being there – and I promise there’ll be a great book for you at the other end!
Oh Abigail, I’m so, so sorry! I’m praying for you and your family. I know just how hard it is to cope with this awful disease. As for your book, it will be gratefully received whenever you can manage it. I haven’t read book two yet as I’m waiting to read them together, especially as my memory isn’t what it was! (Well it was never great anyway!) take care.
Thanks, Glynis. It’ll make a good pairing to read them together, since book 3 starts the day after book 2 ends.
Many many heartfelt expressions of support and hope, along with the prayers from all those who love you and your stories, whenever they arrive, and the cats and the family. Not necessarily in that order… but the order we became aware. A serious illness stops us all in our tracks though, for which the rest of the world doesn’t. Take as much help when it’s offered as possible. And accept our blessings.