
An excerpt from The Magic of Pemberley…and a special sale! — 6 Comments

  1. I can’t imagine what Granny whispered to Darcy??? 😉 I hope it still works when Elizabeth isn’t there. I don’t know why but I’m not sure that I trust Miss Lowrie, neighbour or not? Why would she insist on staying overnight? I have a feeling I should stock up on treats before reading this as it sounds as if the angst levels may be a trifle high?

    • There is some pretty high angst at some points in this book, though all of the Darcy/Lizzy angst is resolved at the end (Napoleon-related angst, not so much). 😉 But there’s a lot of good stuff, too!

    • Indeed, there are many secrets revealed in this book! Including a couple that shocked my own family, despite hearing dinner table conversations about the book for months. 🙂

  2. I wonder what the ‘real’ problem with Georgiana is. Already pre-ordered the book and now look forward to it even more after reading Chapter 1.

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