
The Price of Pride, Chapter 3 — 10 Comments

  1. Talk about hindsight being necessary! Elizabeth should have just waited for her uncle and told him what she had heard! Where is Fitzwilliam Darcy when we need him? He should be riding to the rescue of his damsel in distress!
    Where is the divine retribution deserved by the obnoxious Wickham? Please tell me it arrives at some point? (And sooner rather than later?) 🙏

  2. For last thought only, I could give Elizabeth some slack…


    If I remember correctly from the sneak peek, Andrew doesn’t say anything about ” having to “, when he announced the news of his betrothal to Fitzwilliam… How long will he be under the torment of misapprehension his time, Oh Master Tormenter?

    And just a detail: on AustenVariations, the post is named ‘Chapter 4’.

    • Thank you, Mihaela, for pointing out that error! I’ve just corrected it. No, Drew doesn’t tell Darcy anything about the compromising situation. As you’ll learn later, Drew has the reputation of being always in trouble, since Wickham has a long history of making sure Drew takes the blame for anything Wickham does, and old Mr. Darcy bought into it every time. So now he’s starting over with his brother, and the last thing he wants to tell him is that he got caught in a compromising situation, especially since he expects Darcy would blame him for it. Unfortunately, it’ll be quite a while before Darcy learns the truth!

  3. Oh Ms Reynolds.. I did not expect this. i thought the dracys really have a preferrence with ladies named Elizabeth Bennet or ladies with fine eys and pelasing figure 🙂

    Thank you for the excerpt. I know there is a middle part to the story but part of me wanted to fast forward and know how Mr FD finds out what led to this and what he will do to get his lady love.

  4. I am not getting this in my mail box so am back to looking for chapters on GRs. Thanks for this story. Intriguing…lots of angst now…which I love.

  5. I’m really enjoying this. Thank you. I’ve been waiting for a new book from you, as I always enjoy them. I see that you have a mock-up on the book title. I don’t know if you’ve decided for certain but I will offer you my take on your titles: they are very confusing as there are so many of them and they rarely address what’s between the covers. It doesn’t help that some of them changed names. Anyway, I like to reread your books but am not always sure which story I’m going to get because of the ambiguous titles. Noble Connections helps me out. I can remember Refuge, Alone With, and obviously Enchantment. Many of the others are too ambiguous for me to remember the contents so I would go with the Brother’s Betrothed choice. That gives you a teasing clue as to what’s in it. However, I’ll read it happily no matter what you call it.

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