
My new book is out! — 4 Comments

  1. Aw, you used my review! I really did enjoy the novel. It was, in my opinion, your best. I know when I pick up one of your books that I’ll never be disapppinted. 😀 I can’t wait for your next book!

  2. Loved the new book. Finished it yesterday – it took me about a day. Great characters! Loved the Carlisle family, which made the Bennets look tame. And I really loved your Charles Carlisle – always need a rake in the picture! Congratulations! And, best wishes on your move…

  3. Finally got the chance to buy the book. Let’s see if this afternoon I can begin reading it.

    Thanks for another (even if I still have not read it XD) marvelous variation. I can say it because I have all your books and I loved and love all of them. I doubt this one will be the exception.

    Meanwhile I wait for your next book, I’ll be reading this one, like a little girl with a new toy 🙂

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