
Reviews! — 4 Comments

  1. Congratulations on the reviews! This book has been a long time coming, that’s for sure. Off topic: the photo up top of that green undulating landscape – where is that?

  2. Congratulations, what I will expect from one of your books XD

    I really love them, I have ALL your books, the way you write, and the stories of Darcy and Elizabeth, the way you can get those two together in so different situations, funny, sad remarks… really get to me, and make me read your books over and over again.
    So when I saw that you where releasing another one and, now it’s almost here (10/1, I can’t wait!!!!), I got really excited.
    And after reading the excerpt, I can’t wait to see what will happen with this incredible couple ^^.

    I also saw in austenauthors that in spring 2011, you are releasing another one? You really don’t stop, but thanks for it, I hope you will be writing more and more… because now I can’t picture myself without reading one of your books ^^. (is not flattery XD, is really what I think ^^)

  3. I just finished reading “Mr. Darcy’s Obsession” last night. I loved it. It is the third of your books that I have read. I appreciate your creative “what-if” stories. Thanks!

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