
Back among the living… — 5 Comments

  1. Abigail, I’m happy to hear your participation in NaNoWriMo worked out so well for you, and I’m glad you’re back posting your blog. (There are patient people out here!) You go girl!

  2. Good to hear you are doing well. How is the next in the PbtS series coming along? I”m an impatient reader! Hope to hear about it soon. Actually, anything you have written!
    Regards from barbiewp in “Tennessee?!?” now.

  3. Abigail, I check this sight at least once a day in the morning, every day, to see if you are writing anything. Don’t know about patient but at least I’m consistent! LOL!
    I knew about the NaNoWriMo from facebook and congratulate you! So glad to see you are writing again!

  4. Thanks for remembering me! Barbie, I have bad news for you. My publisher turned down Morning Light. She’s going to reconsider it if the mass market edition of PbtS does well, but I’m not holding out a lot of hope. She says she liked it, but that it needs more of a hook to convince bookstores to stock it. I may eventually self-publish it, but I can’t until it’s been definitively rejected. I hate all this waiting! 🙂

  5. Dear Abigail,

    Please don’t forget that we are waiting the publishing of Mr. Darcy’s Obsession (or Bounds of Decorum). I want to read it again in a real book! Please send word when is ready at Amazon’s.

    Best regards,

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